keeper urban dictionary

A keeper definition: A term which will be set aside exclusively for ladies who enjoy sucking penis on a regular basis, cooking meals, cleaning, enjoyable, and don't talk truly or ...

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  • A keeper definition: A term which will be set aside exclusively for ladies who enjoy sucki...
    A keeper definition in Urban Dictionary
  • This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of keeper is. The slang word / phr...
    Definition of keeper - The Online Slang Dictionary | Real ...
  • Slang (1 matching dictionary) The Keeper: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Sports (1 matching...
    Definitions of keeper - OneLook Dictionary Search
  • Define keeper. keeper synonyms, keeper pronunciation, keeper translation, English dictiona...
    Keeper - definition of keeper by The Free Dictionary ...
  • Schureck is, at times, unorthodox in his methods, but his perspective has helped build the...
    keeper - Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's ...
  • Keeper definition: Noun - a lady who's ready to do everything she will to meet your pr...
    Keeper definition in Urban Dictionary
  • Keeper definition, a person who guards or watches, as at a prison or gate. See more. Dicti...
    Keeper | Define Keeper at
  • a term used to describe a guy that you love very much and plan to "keep", makes ...
    Urban Dictionary: a keeper
  • 2016年7月27日 - A derogatory name for a woman's vagina suggesting the woman has a yeast ...
    Urban Dictionary: Cheese Keeper
  • 2016年8月8日 - Closet keeper is alternative way to tell someone that there spouse is gay &am...
    Urban Dictionary: Closet Keeper
  • The host of Tales From The Crypt, and an icon to methheads everywhere.
    Urban Dictionary: Crypt Keeper
  • 2008年7月21日 - "Megan, back in the day girls who were one and done were called easy ke...
    Urban Dictionary: Easy keeper
  • derived from an old children's adage "finders keepers, losers weepers",which...
    Urban Dictionary: finders keepers
  • Someone who would make better marriage material than baby momma material. Someone who you&...
    Urban Dictionary: keeper
  • 2010年1月9日 - A patriot. Someone who has taken an oath to the Constitution of the United St...
    Urban Dictionary: Oath Keeper
  • an alternative menstrual product - a small natural gum rubber cup worn internally to catch...
    Urban Dictionary: The Keeper
  • the friend who keeps track of all his drunk time traveling friends so as to tell them abou...
    Urban Dictionary: time keeper
  • She's a keeper is a colloquial phrase derived from "for keeps," which means ...
    What Does the Phrase 'he/she Is a Keeper' Mean? - ...